Monday, February 22, 2010

Google Sketchup Dream Room

The dream room helped me build furniture and walls faster and more efficient. The most helpful tool would be the ruler because its hard to make congruent objects. Like to make legs of a table or armrests of the couch. After this project I see how much harder it is to make a room rather then a house and gotten better at google sketchup.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Digital Drama

The Thin line web site is all about communication safety. To do that they give you ways to be safe and examples of bad ideas.

On the Quiz i got a 89%.

I thought my score was fairly good because the average score was 70%.

What A thin line thinks i need to improve is sexting and Supporting Others but i thing i have a good knowledge of them.

To reduce digital life drama just dont be stupid or mean.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

GO Green Google Sketchup House

The Go Green Google sketch-up project help me build houses faster and more efficient. The most helpful tool would be the push/pull tool because you can make 3D objects in a fraction of a sec. Instead of making individual planes. I have been using google sketchup for quite a wile and have gotten better at it!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Cyberbullying Ruins Lives

Cyberbullying in Massachusetts could have been prevented by someone standing up aganist it or by deleteing your account.

I Dont not know a victim of Cyberbulling but mostly people think they are kidding or joking.

If someone tried to hurt me or a friend i would stop them from doing it again any way i could like reporting them.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Get a Voki now!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Technology Essential Learnings

The understanding of basic operations and concepts of technology systems is to have a good knowlege of basic applications like powerpoint, word, excel, ect. If you have this set of skills you will succeed with computer. Screenshot

Digital citizenship is the behavior with regard to technology use. How I use a computer wisely is by folowing the MSSD14 guidelines, maintaining my digital citizenship.

Computer productivity is the art of working efficiently with your computer by improving your interactions with it. This is done primarily by using your mouse and keyboard efficiently, but it also involves cleverly customizing your computer's interface. Like using Typing Pal is a good way to improve you typing productivity.

Communication is using technology to talk to people and keep up to date on things like the newest fad or todays news.

Problem Solving is everyday experience, and vary from extremely complex to relatively simple. But a general knowlege of computers will help you with problem solving. In approaching technical problems in the food industry it is necessary to recognize that there are often more than one answer to the problem and that not all technically correct answers are feasible. So with basic common sense you will be able to do wonders.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


1. What do you think of when you hear the word “Cyberbullying?”
- Cyberbullying is when someone or teen is tormented, threatened, harassed, humiliated, embarrassed or otherwise choosed by another person on the internet, or other indirect ways of communication and is just wrong.
2. How is Cyberbullying like being bullied in-person and how is it different?
-Cyberbullying can spread FAST compared to regular bullying.

Word Chain

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Dive Into Freedom

From the first moment we are revealed to the world, we are agreeing to live inside boxes, family rules, school works, work days, what not. Tie up for a better appearance. Walls put up. Held back. The boxes seem to contract more and more. But who or what laid these borders on us? What if we were just unaware and afraid of a completely new world beyond the borders? Jump up and down. Run from one end to the other with caring about nothing. You can do anything and you can be anything open your eyes and look into infinite possibilities. Cast off the fear, sprint toward the tip of the cliff and jump! You will know then the true definition of freedom....

.... is believing in your defintion of freedom, the open minds, outside the box and the open doors to life.

This i believe and feel is showing what freedom maybe and could be.

I think its a great comercial but not for a borderless LG TV, Maybe some thing for the ad council.