Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Monday, April 26, 2010

Peace Book

To make the peace book first we found pictures that we thought represented peace then downloaded them and made them into a book that showed vision of peace.


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Career Choices

1. Be be in demand!

Healthcare is the fastest growing job sector in the workforce. According to the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2004, of the 30 fastest growing occupations in the entire labor market, about half are jobs in the allied health fields. Think of the job opportunities there will be.

2. Healthcare pays

According to the U. S. Department of Labor, with an associate degree, in some fields you can make as much as $80-100,000 (if you rank in the top 10% of salaries). If you go for a higher degree, you can also make a good living and do more than just pay your bills.

3. Choices, choices, choices

There are lots of different opportunities in healthcare – something for everyone. You can work in med tech, labs, or directly with patients in hospitals, homes, or clinics.

4. Get a free education

You can get your education paid for. Due to the staffing shortages in the industry, you can find employers and government scholarships to cover your educational costs.

5. You’ll feel needed

Working in healthcare make a difference in people’s lives. Caring for people and helping others lead healthy lives is satisfying and important.

6. Meet different people

Healthcare workers interact with different people everyday, including patients, doctors, medical staff. In some fields, you’ll interact with researchers, technology experts, or scientists.

7. Health care is exciting

You never know what’s going to happen, and have to stay one your toes, solve problems and make good decisions. Every day is different.

8. You can move up

There are lots of opportunities for advancement in healthcare. You can get promoted or move up to related healthcare fields that pay more. Physical therapists and paramedics make up a large part of programs for future physician assistants, a job that pays $80-100,000.

9. Variety

You can change specialties. If you’re interested in pediatrics or prosthetics, you can move into those areas when the opportunities arise.

10. You can travel far and wide!


These are all reason why i feel i would like to get into a career in healthcare. Because i feel that all these examples of opportunity and reasons i would like a healhcare job.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Shopping Spree

From Greatest to least these are the category which i spent the most.
5.Gift Cards

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Whats For Breakfast - Google Spreadsheets

My breakfast habits are quite good a almost always have a fruit and grain. But in different countrys they eat different things that they may or may not get the same amount of nutrients i do or calories. If I didn't know what other people eat i would find it on a reputable site such as a .org

The world food program may change how you eat because WFP strives to help the hungry and malnutritioned people , with the ultimate goal in mind of eliminating the need for food aid itself. I which they help people change there eating habits to make the world better.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Whats For Breakfast - Google Spreadsheets

My breakfast habits are quite good a almost always have a fruit and grain. But in different countrys they eat different things that they may or may not get the same amount of nutrients i do or calories. If I didn't know what other people eat i would find it on a reputable site such as a .org

The world food program may change how you eat because WFP strives to help the hungry and malnutritioned people , with the ultimate goal in mind of eliminating the need for food aid itself. I which they help people change there eating habits to make the world better.