Friday, May 21, 2010

Doogie's and Nicks Cyberbullying

Cyberbullying is like old-fashioned bullying only even more cowardly, because the bully never has to show themself. Because it's a relatively new crime, the laws are still catching up and can be sketchy at times.Willful and repeated harm inflicted through electronic media such as e-mail, instant messaging, text messages, mobile phones, pagers and defamatory Web sites.The use of electronic means to torment, threaten, harass, humiliate, embarrass or otherwise target another. There are many types of cyberbullying like cyberstalking when an individual sends messages repeatedly through the Internet or by using a mobile phone. These messages are threatening in nature, and instill fear that the stalking might move offline and become physical.Flaming involves correspondence using electronic communication methods such as chat rooms, email and instant messenger. Flaming refers to arguments that are supplemented with images to drive a point and harsh language. Exclusion occurs when an individual is singled out and excluded from a group. The group in turn then taunts the excluded person using the Internet or a mobile phone.Outing occurs when an individual shares private information using online communication methods or a mobile phone. That person is then "outed" when his private information is shared publicly either online or off.Masquerading is a sophisticated form of cyberbullying in which an individual creates a false identity and harasses another while pretending to be someone they are not. Masquerading also includes attempts to steal log-in information, then using the information in a harassing manner such as sharing it publicly. Seven states passed laws against digital harassment in 2007 a few of which made it a misdemeanor charge. But an even bigger consequence is death many teens and adults have committed suicide because they were bullied.

1. Are you happy with your finished work on this project? Why or why not?
I was pretty happy with this project but was bummed that our podcast didnt upload.
2. What would you change about your project if you could do it again?
I would add better music to our podcast.
3. Which parts of the project did you like the best and which did you like the least? Why?
I liked the recording part but not the storyboard because we did not use it.
4. What would you like to change about the project assignments if you were the teacher? Why?
I would make a song insted of a podcast or a anamation it makes it more interactive
5. What was the most important thing you learned during this project? How did you learn it? Why is it important?
I learned

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Prezi is a lot different than any other program because it has non-linear presentations, where they can zoom in and out of area. Also it has a path so that you can follow something. I believe that it is much cooler than a power point.

Go-Animate Project

This was a fun project! We got to make a quick video that was fun! Goanimate is a great site very easy to use and did not have any problems with it. The only hard part for me was the zooming because it eather went to fast or too slow. But I got it after a little while.